حل سؤال دعاء التسخير وَالْمَحَبَّةَ | معلومة


A prayer of harness and love

And from others, may He be glorified, He will make all your affairs for you and make His servants love you and respect you, for He is God Almighty, and He alone is able to do that. That is why we, as Muslims, must trust in God Almighty, whether in every small or big deal, whether it is a job, marriage, or problem. Or anything else, and with His permission, you will get everything desired, and that by, pressing him in a prayer.

In this article, dear readers, we would like us to offer you a set of beautiful supplications, supplications from the Prophet’s Sunnah, and from the Noble Qur’an, to harness all your affairs and win the love of everyone. Follow us to read my dear ones in God, to get to know all these supplications.


There are a group of stories and experiences that many people told about the harsh conditions they were going through, and through their recourse to the Creator, the Almighty, the abundance of supplication, crying and insistence on him, the Almighty, their lives became beautiful and their endings inspiring. If you want to read one of the temptations with the supplications of abuse, click on the following link:

[ اضغط هنا للتعرف عل أجمل التجارب مع دعاء التسخير ]

Etiquette of supplication

Before starting the supplication of God Almighty, you must adhere to the etiquette of supplication, so that your supplication is acceptable, God Almighty willing, and in this paragraph, we will present, but my dear ones in God, a set of conditions that you must perform, before starting the supplication, let’s get to know them :

  • You must first unite God Almighty with His attributes and names.
  • And when starting to pray, you must ask God Almighty about His Most Beautiful Names and High Attributes.
  • You must pray for a Prophet [ صلى الله عليه وسلم ].
  • You must face the qiblah when praying to God Almighty.
  • You must be sincere in supplication.
  • You must praise God Almighty before praising Him, thanking Him, and praying.
  • You should be present in your hearts in supplication, not just with your tongue.
  • You must pray to God Almighty three.
  • Do not abandon your voice when praying.
  • You must be clean and your clothes clean when starting to pray.
  • You must obey and supplicate when praying to God Almighty
  • You should supplicate a lot and insist on the Creator so that He may respond to you.
  • When you wish to supplicate, you must raise your hands to the top, until its interior reaches the sky.
  • You must be submissive to God Almighty, seeking His grace and generosity from Him.
  • You must be certain about the supplication and resolve it, according to what was mentioned in his saying [ صلى الله عليه وسلم ] (Do not one of you say: May God forgive me if you wish, God have mercy on me if you wish, may God grant me if you wish, and resolve the matter, for he does what he wants, and you have no choice.)

Read also: A prayer to harness the hearts

Also read: Oh God, I entrust you my beloved (God save me my love)

Verses of love, acceptance and prestige

In this paragraph, we will present to you a set of verses, from the Holy Quran, let’s get to know them:

  • A supplication to facilitate things, O God, O hard-facilitator, O hard-lubricant, O fulfiller of warnings, O who is every day in a new matter, take me out of the throat of distress to the widest way, with You I pay what I cannot stand, and there is no strength or power except with God Almighty, Lord, no You obscure my call, do not respond to my question, do not leave me with grief, do not entrust me to my surroundings and my strength, and have mercy on my helpless, for my chest has narrowed, and my mind wandered and perplexed in my affairs, and you are the glorified and glorified scholar in my secret and face, the owner of my benefit and harm, who is able to relieve my distress and facilitate hardship.
  • O God, grant us life in the world to obedient believers, and repentant Muslims have passed away. Oh God, have mercy on our supplication between your hands, and make us straight when we are righteous, and help us if we are righteous, be ours and do not be upon us, O Lord, we ask you O Forgiving O Most Merciful O Most Merciful to open the doors for your supplications to answer, O who if He asks Him The compelled answered, O who says something to be, and it will be.
  • O friendly, O friendly, O glorious Throne, O effective for what you want, I ask you with your glory that cannot be blamed, and your King who cannot be joined, and with your light that has filled the corners of your throne, to be enough for me evil (say what you desire), please help me, O relief, help me ( three times).
  • Oh God, to you I complain about the weakness of my strength, and the lack of my tricks, and my selfishness over people, O Lord of the worlds, you are the Lord of the oppressed, and you are the most merciful of the merciful, and you are my Lord, to those who entrust me to a faraway who will deny me or an enemy whose authority is my command? If you do not have anger on me, I do not care, but your well-being is wider for me. I seek refuge in the light of your face, for whom the darkness has shone, and the matter of the world and the Hereafter has been reconciled to me, for your anger to descend upon me, or for your anger to descend upon me, until you are satisfied, and there is no power or strength except In you, God, you are the one who knows what happened to me in my affairs (ask what you desire).
  • Oh God, do not entrust me to myself, so I am helpless, nor to people so I am lost, O God, enrich me by lack of You, and do not impoverish me by dispensing with You .. Oh God, I ask you to facilitate this for me, and make the best in that, you are able to everything.
  • Oh God, mocked me to be a help for what I want and what I do not want from the matters of this world and the hereafter. Oh God, mocked me, and mocked those who are stronger than me and me, the use of slaves for their masters.
  • Oh God, wrap my heart between my heart and the hearts of my family and those whom I mix with, and reconcile with us and guide us to the paths of peace.

Read also: A prayer to ward off an evil person

Read also: Tried supplication for marriage with a specific person, and it is tested by me personally

A prayer to harness people’s hearts with love and acceptance

In this paragraph we will present to you a set of supplications, with which you can pray, to harness the hearts of the servants for you, and to obtain their love and care, so let’s get to know these supplications:

  • O Lord, grant us success in every matter, attain every purpose, and grant us the highest levels of knowledge. O Lord, open up to me well, and conclude with goodness, and grant me from you a helper. Glory be to God and His praise, Glory be to God Almighty, ask forgiveness of God Almighty.
  • O Lord, seek your help and you have to trust, God humiliated me the difficulty of my affairs and facilitated my hardship, provided me with more good than I ask, and dispense all evil from me. Lord, explain my chest to me, and be pleased with me, Karim.
  • Oh God, help me and do not curse me, support me and do not support me, conceive for me and do not intrigue me, guide me and facilitate the guidance for me, and grant me victory over those who transgress against me, may I make me thankful for you, you have a remembrance, you have a phobia, you are obedient, you have a sanctuary, you have reprehensible desires, Lord Accept my repentance, wash my pill, answer my supplication, confirm my argument, guide my heart, cover my tongue, and pray my chest.
  • O Lord, have compassion on your servants and your loved ones, and enrich me from their wickedness, O Most Merciful, O Kind, O effective for what you want, Help me, Help me, O Relief, O Latif.
  • Oh God, do not entrust me to myself and I am helpless, nor to people and I am lost, O God, enrich me by lack of You, and do not make me impoverished by dispensing with You.
  • Oh God, the goodness pleased me wherever I was and where I went, God made the livelihoods and the conquests for me every time and hour, and he pleased all hardships, ease all difficulties, and protect me with what comes down from the sky and what comes out of it, and what is seen on it, O Karim.
  • O God, and do not distract us from your sea of ​​goodness, losers, lost, or deceivers, and forgive us until the Day of Judgment, with your mercy, O Most Merciful.

Read also: A fugitive supplication to open the uterus (supplication to facilitate childbirth and open the uterus)

Also read: Oh God, I entrusted you with myself, my family, and whoever I love

A prayer of acceptance and love among people

Who among us does not want to obtain the love and attention of people, for this we have devoted this paragraph to you, for a set of excellent and beautiful supplications, with which you can pray, to obtain the love of people, and everyone you know, let’s get to know it:

  • O God, I have entrusted to you and I seek assistance from you, there is no objection to evil except you, and no one who brings good except you, you have prayer, supplication, hearing and obedience, O Most Merciful, I call you in my name and in the name of all those who utter the Shahada, and I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, God I mean I am pleased and release my cravings and more livelihood, O Karim.
  • O God, I seek refuge in You to go astray or misguide, or erase or pass away, or darker or darker, or be ignorant or ignorant of me.
  • Oh God, the goodness pleased me where I was, and where I went, God made the sustenance and the conquests for me at every time and hour, and pleased all hardships, and ease all difficulties, and protect me in what comes down from the sky and what comes out of it, and what is seen on it, O generous.
  • Oh God, mocked me to be a help for what I want and what I do not want from the matters of this world and the hereafter.
  • O Lord, all your creation mocked me as I mocked the sea to our master Moses, peace be upon him, and because their hearts are as iron as the iron for David, peace be upon him, for they do not speak except with your permission, their commandments are in your grasp, and their hearts are in your hands, they act as you wish, O mold of hearts, confirm my heart on your religion.
  • Oh God, we ask you to be successful and guided, righteousness and assistance, satisfaction and maintenance, love and representation, supplication and the answer, God grant us light in the heart, adornment in the face, and strength at work.
  • Oh God, with the kindness of your work in the harness, and hide your kindness in facilitation, the kindest to me in what was done by the quantities, and distract me from the bad. You are able to everything. Oh God, do not trust me to myself, so I am unable to manage, and no one of your creation is afraid, and you surround me with your kindness, you who do not realize the eyes and realize Al-Seer, a gentle expert.
  • Oh God, do not return us disappointed, and give us the best of what is offered to your righteous servants.

Also read: The prayer of fear of an evil person (O God, keep away from me the evil of those who harm me …)

Read also: A prayer to banish an evil person from your life (O Allah, remove the evil of your creation from us …)

A great prayer for love, acceptance and prestige

There are many proven supplications, which were a reason to win people’s hearts and obtain their love. You can also try them and pray with them, put your certainty in God Almighty, and he will answer all your wishes, God willing:

  • Oh God, O Master Moses, teach me, and the understanding of Solomon, understand me, and you bring wisdom to wisdom and separate speech, give me wisdom and separate speech.
  • Oh God, mocked me, and mocked those who are stronger than me and me, the use of slaves for their masters.
  • O God, O hard-lubricant, O hard-lubricant, O who accomplishes warnings, and who is every day in a new matter, take me out of the throat of affliction to the widest way, through you I pay what I cannot stand, and there is no strength or power except by God Almighty, Mighty and Lord. Do not respond to my question, do not leave me with my sorrow, do not entrust me to my heart and my strength, and have mercy on my helpless, for my chest has narrowed, my mind wandered and perplexed in my affairs, and you are the glorified and glorified world in my secret and face, the owner of my benefit and harm, who is able to relieve my distress and facilitate hardship.
  • O Lord, we ask You for success and guidance, guidance and assistance, satisfaction and maintenance, love and representation, and supplication
  • O God, O collector of people, for a day when there is no doubt, unite with me what I want.
  • O Lord, I ask you to make this matter easy for me, and to make the best in that, for you are over everything. Oh God, I ask you for the seats of glory from your throne and the utmost compassion from your book and your greatest name and your perfect words that… (I ask for everything that we will be tempted by here), glory to God and praise be to God, and may God’s prayers be upon Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, O God, have mercy on me by forsaking sins never what kept me, I ask you, Lord To commit to my heart as you wish, to recite it in the manner that pleases you with me, to work with it, to enlighten your book with my eyes, to release my tongue with it, to release it from my heart, to explain my chest with it, and to wash my body with it, and there is no power or strength except in God Almighty The great.

Read also: Prayers for going down to the new home for residence or for visiting a person

Also read: A prayer that makes everything fun for you

Dua for quick acceptance

There are many beautiful supplications, which he called by a group of prophets, and called by a group of worshipers, and God Almighty answered them, and in this paragraph we have devoted to you, a group of supplications, for quick acceptance, continue with us reading my dear ones in God to get to know them:

  • O God, I have relied on you and you seek help, there is no objection to evil except you, and no one who brings good except you. Prayer, supplication, hearing and obedience, O Most Merciful, I call you in my name and in the name of all those who utter the Shahada, and I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. I am pleased, and I am very happy, and more lively, O Karim.
  • Just as you turned iron to David, peace be upon him, they do not speak except with your permission, their tips are in your fist and their hearts are in your hands, they act as you wish, you heart (three times) fix my heart on your religion, you know the unseen (three times) quenched their anger without God but God and brought their love.
  • Oh God, the owner of the king, you bring the king to whom you want, and you take away the king from whom you want, and cherish whom you want, and humiliate whom you want. With your hand is goodness. You are mighty over everything. Mercy and mercy of the world and the hereafter, you give them to whom you want, and prevent them from whom you want, have mercy on me as a mercy that enriches me from the mercy of those but you.
  • O Lord, do not return us disappointed, and give us the best of what is offered to your righteous servants, O God, and do not distract us from the sea of ​​your goodness, losers, lost, or misguided, and forgive us until the Day of Judgment, with your mercy, O Most Merciful.
  • Oh God, wrap my heart between my heart and the hearts of my family and those whom I mix with, and reconcile with us and guide us to the paths of peace.

Read also: Supplication for protection from all evil

Read also: Good news for supplication response

Read also: Praise be to God, by whose grace good works are accomplished


In the end, this was all the information, related to the topic, a prayer of self-sacrifice and love. Share your comments at the bottom of the article on this topic, and thank you for reading.